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Table 1 Drafts of the initial proposed checklists for feasibility and pilot studies

From: Methods and processes for development of a CONSORT extension for reporting pilot randomized controlled trials

Item no. (original CONSORT)

Feasibility studies

Pilot studies




Identification as feasibility study in title

Identification as pilot in the title; randomized in title if used


Summary of study design, methods, results, and conclusions

Summary of study design, methods, results, and conclusions




Scientific background and explanation of rationale for feasibility study

Scientific background and explanation of rationale for pilot study


Key aims and objectives of feasibility study

Key aims and objectives of pilot study


Description of type of trial planning for (e.g. drug development, health services, community intervention, cluster trial, etc.)

Description of type of trial planning for (e.g. drug development, health services, community intervention, cluster trial, etc.)




Description of design of feasibility study covering all objectives (may have several components addressing different objectives which all need to be described); adequate descriptions of how each objective is to be addressed and any relevant thresholds for successful implementation of component(s)

Description of design of pilot study (should differ from that of main study because the aim is not to test effectiveness—thus, data collected and types of analysis may differ); how differs from main study; thresholds for success/proceeding to main trial


Description of criteria used to judge feasibility (often a threshold, for example for recruitment rates)

Description of criteria used to judge whether to proceed with main trial (often a threshold, for example for recruitment rates)


Important changes to methods, outcomes, eligibility criteria, etc. during the study, with reasons (changes are sometimes made during feasibility studies because lack of feasibility is identified early on in a study)

Important changes to methods, outcomes, eligibility criteria, etc. during the study, with reasons (changes are sometimes made during pilot studies because a difficulty with a particular aspect is identified fairly early on)


Specify how participants were selected for each component, how many refused, if volunteers; eligibility criteria if any

Eligibility criteria for participants, how many refused; if cluster trial pilot address issues around bias and contamination


Settings and locations where the data were collected

Settings and locations where the data were collected


Description of how potential biases in the main trial are being explored in the feasibility study (potential biases: selection, detection, performance, attrition)

Description of how potential biases in the main trial are being explored in the pilot study (potential biases: selection, detection, performance, attrition)


Detailed description of intervention to be tested in main trial, specifying assessor, administration, duration, quality control (e.g. calibration, training), etc. to be used in any feasibility assessments

Detailed description of intervention being assessed in pilot study, including assessor(s), control group if using, administration, duration, quality control (e.g. calibration, training), etc. as appropriate


Specify assessments or measurements to be made to address each objective, including how and when they were made (each component of the study should be addressed); include how feasibility of descriptive components will be addressed

Specify range of measurements to be taken including main outcome measure, secondary outcome measures, if can be identified, recruitment and consent rates, etc.


Details of qualitative analysis if appropriate, cost-effectiveness

Details of pre-trial modelling criteria


Appropriate justification for sample size for each component (unlikely to include a sample size calculation, more likely to be a pragmatic decision)

Appropriate justification for sample size (does not need to include a formal trial sample size calculation but may include other types of sample size calculations)


Details of administration of or qualitative work related to randomisation

Method used to generate random allocation sequence (if randomized pilot study); description of how it will be administered; details of any restrictions; who generated the random allocation sequence, who enrolled participants, and who assigned participants to interventions


If done, details of how blinding was considered and used

If done, who was blinded, e.g. after assignment to interventions (for example, participants, care providers, those assessing outcomes) and how


If relevant, description of how the interventions are to be made similar and details of any testing done

If relevant, description of the similarity of interventions


Any statistical methods used in the analysis of each component (if relevant)

Statistical methods used to summarize and compare groups for primary and secondary outcomes; estimates of effect size with confidence intervals; no hypothesis testing is recommended


Methods for additional analyses not addressing key objectives, such as adjusted analyses and cost-effectiveness with justification

Methods for additional analyses not addressing key objectives, such as adjusted analyses and cost-effectiveness with justification




Description of participants and numbers for components being assessed with flow diagram if appropriate

Description of participants and numbers for components being assessed with flow diagram if appropriate; if randomisation used for each group, the numbers of participants who were randomly assigned, received intended treatment, and were assessed for the outcome(s)


Losses and exclusions for each component being tested, including reasons

Losses and exclusions including reasons; if randomisation used for each group


Dates defining the periods of recruitment and follow-up for each component

Dates defining the periods of recruitment and follow-up


Why recruitment to the study ended or was stopped prior to the planned end of study (if relevant)

Why recruitment to the study ended or was stopped prior to the planned end of study (if relevant)


Summary of people or samples used for each component tested

A table showing baseline demographic and clinical characteristics for participants in the study; if randomisation used for each group


For each component, number of participants (denominator) or samples included in each analysis or data summary

For study participants and each group if randomized, number of participants (denominator) included in each analysis or data summary; if randomized whether the analysis was by original assigned groups


For all components tested ensure results match objectives; if relevant estimated effect size and its precision (such as 95 % confidence interval); for binary outcomes, presentation of both absolute and relative effect sizes is recommended

For all parameters and outcomes tested ensure results match objectives; estimated effect size and its precision (such as 95 % confidence interval); for binary outcomes, presentation of both absolute and relative effect sizes is recommended


Results of any other analyses performed, including adjusted analyses, distinguishing pre-specified from exploratory

Results of any other analyses performed, including subgroup analyses and adjusted analyses, distinguishing pre-specified from exploratory


All important harms or unintended effects; detail and discussion; patient questionnaires used to assess safety, adverse events, harms, etc.

All important harms or unintended effects; detail and discussion; patient questionnaires used to assess safety, adverse events, harms, etc.




Limitations addressing sources of potential bias, changes to components, imprecision of estimates, multiplicity of analyses, etc.

Limitations addressing sources of potential bias, changes to components, imprecision of estimates, multiplicity of analyses etc. and changes to pilot study protocol


Generalisability of the findings to other studies; transferable information (external validity, applicability), etc.

Generalisability of pilot work to other studies; is larger trial needed; transferable information (external validity, applicability), etc.


Interpretation consistent with results for each component tested, balancing benefits and harms, and considering other relevant evidence

Interpretation consistent with results for pilot study, balancing benefits and harms, and considering other relevant evidence; will main trial go ahead; how it will be designed


Assessment of feasibility of each component

Changes to main study protocol


Not applicable

Registration number and name of trial registry


Research review committee approval, ethics approval and consent to participate

Research review committee approval, ethics approval and consent to participate; where the trial protocol can be accessed, if available


Sources of funding and other support

Sources of funding and other support