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Table 3 In-MINDD inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: Reducing dementia risk by targeting modifiable risk factors in mid-life: study protocol for the Innovative Midlife Intervention for Dementia Deterrence (In-MINDD) randomised controlled feasibility trial

Inclusion criteria

Registered with a participating practice

Age 40–60 on date of consent

Presence of any one (or more) of the following risk factors:

 Depression—previous history OR active episode of minor depression as recorded on medical record (if GP deems patient fit to participate)

 Diabetes (diagnosis, e.g. on a diabetes disease register)

 Hypertension (as per national guidelines)

 Renal dysfunction (recorded by GP)

 Obesity (BMI of 30.0 or above)

 Current smoker

 Raised cholesterol (as per national guidelines)

 Coronary heart disease (diagnosis, e.g. on a CHD disease register)

 Self-reported sedentary lifestyle

 Self-reported lack of cognitive stimulation

Medically stable

Literate in language of the partner country where patient is recruited

Access to the internet in order to communicate by email and access information online

Exclusion criteria

Active episode of major depression recorded in medical record or assessed using a validated assessment score, e.g. Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and which GP deems makes patient too severely ill to participate

Unable to give informed consent

Has an existing diagnosis of dementia

Other reason identified by GP, e.g. terminally ill