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Table 4 Outcomes of independent video coding exercise using BCT taxonomy [19]

From: A feasibility study of a theory-based intervention to improve appropriate polypharmacy for older people in primary care

Behaviour change techniques embedded within online video

BCTs pre-specified by research team

BCT identified by video coding team

Modelling or demonstration of the behaviour (provide an observable sample of the performance of the behaviour, directly in person or indirectly, e.g. via film or pictures for the person to aspire to or imitate)



Credible source (present verbal or visual communication from a credible source in favour of or against the behaviour)



Information about health consequences (provide information, e.g. written, verbal, visual, about health consequences of performing the behaviour)



Instruction on how to perform the behaviour (advise or agree on how to perform the behaviour)



Information about social and environmental consequences (provide information, e.g. written, verbal, visual, about social and environmental consequences of performing the behaviour)



Salience of consequences (use methods specifically designed to emphasise the consequences of performing the behaviour with the aim of making them more memorable—goes beyond informing about consequences)