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Table 1 Guidance for definition of higher risk from surgical complications

From: The SABRTooth feasibility trial protocol: a study to determine the feasibility and acceptability of conducting a phase III randomised controlled trial comparing stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) with surgery in patients with peripheral stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) considered to be at higher risk of complications from surgical resection

Group A


 Suitable for surgery—but at higher risk of complications compared to group B (potentially eligible for SABRTooth)

▪ CPEX—VO2 max 10–15 L/kg/min

▪ ISWT—walk 250–400 m

▪ Mortality risk from Nottingham score: 6–20 % at 90 days

The patient can be approached for the trial if they meet one or more of these criteria

Group B


 Suitable for surgery—lower risk of complications

▪ CPEX—VO2 max >15 L/kg/min, anaerobic threshold

▪ ISWT—walk >400 m and without significant desaturation

▪ Predicted post-operative FEV1 > 50 %

▪ Mortality risk from Nottingham score <6 % at 90 days for lobectomy (it is not anticipated that patients will need a pneumonectomy in this group of peripheral cancers).

Not suitable for the trial

Group C


 Unsuitable for surgery as predicted risk of complications is too high

▪ CPEX—VO2 max <10 L/kg/min

▪ ISWT—walk <250 m and significant desaturation

▪ Pre-operative FEV1 < 30 %

▪ Mortality risk from Nottingham score >20 % at 90 days for lobectomy (it is not anticipated that patients will need a pneumonectomy in this group of peripheral cancers).

▪ Reduced ejection fraction (e.g. <40 %) or evidence of ongoing myocardial ischemia

▪ Recent cerebrovascular event (e.g. within 3 months of planned surgery)

Not suitable for the trial

  1. We have suggested the above criteria for all groups to assist patient selection. However, as there are other individual contributing factors, the final decision on whether the patient is suitable for the trial will rest with the local MDT