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Table 4 Summary of progression criteria using traffic light system

From: A mixed-method feasibility study of the use of the Complete Vocal Technique (CVT), a pedagogic method to improve the voice and vocal function in singers and actors, in the treatment of patients with muscle tension dysphonia: a study protocol





CVT-VT improves the VHI score

 > 20% improvement in VHI score

10–20% improvement in VHI score

 < 10% improvement in VHI score

A CVT-VT study is feasible to perform

 > 9 patients completed pre- and post-therapy outcome assessments

8–9 patients completed pre- and post-therapy outcome assessments

 < 8 patients completed pre- and post-therapy outcome assessments

CVT-VT is acceptable to patients

 > 9 patients satisfied or very satisfied with therapy they have received

8–9 patients satisfied or very satisfied with therapy they have received

 < 8 patients satisfied or very satisfied with therapy they have received

CVT-VT is acceptable to CVT-Ps

CVT-P satisfied or very satisfied with therapy delivered in > 9 patients

CVT-P satisfied or very satisfied with therapy delivered in 5–9 patients

CVT-P satisfied or very satisfied with therapy delivered in < 5 patients

CVT-VT is acceptable to SLT-VTs (1)

 > 8 out of 10 SLT-VTs satisfied or very satisfied with the outcome of the study

 > 5–8 out of 10 SLT-VTs satisfied or very satisfied with the outcome of the study

 < 5 out of 10 SLT-VTs satisfied or very satisfied with the outcome of the study

CVT-VT is acceptable to SLT-VTs (2)

 > 8 out of 10 SLT-VTs would support the concept of an RCT of CVT-VT vs SLT-VT based on the outcome of the study

 > 5–8 out of 10 SLT-VTs would support progression to a RCT of CVT-VT vs SLT-VT based on the outcome of the study

 < 5 out of 10 SLT-VTs would support progression to a RCT of CVT-VT vs SLT-VT based on the outcome of the study

Recruitment rate achieved

 > 9 patients recruited in 6 months

8–9 patients recruited in 6 months

 < 8 patients recruited in 6 months