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Table 1 CAPS 2019 development panelist instructions for question analysis

From: Development and pilot testing of the 2019 Canadian Abortion Provider Survey

General instructions

We would like you to review the questions with a focus on the following changes to the previous survey:

1. We plan to have an electronic survey only, which means that we can use branching logic and filter questions. This will limit the questions to the fewest and most appropriates per participant

2. In the 2012 survey, we focused on facilities with administrators as a unit as well as on providers. In the 2019 survey, we aim to capture the change in workforce which we predict includes many more solo practitioners. Therefore, we will use individual providers as the unit of measurement, rather than facilities

Assess individual items in the survey:

 1. How did you find the wording of the question?

 2. What are your thoughts on the purpose of the question? Elaborate if necessary: “purpose” as in “what is the question trying to ask?”

 3. What are your thoughts on the correlation between the question and the responses listed for that question?

 4. Were there any answers that you would have liked to have had as potential responses but which were not listed with the question? If so, what were these answers?

 5. Were there any answers listed that you feel were irrelevant or unnecessary? If so, which were those answers?

General feedback for the survey:

 1. What were the strengths of the survey? What were the weaknesses of the survey?

 2. Was the survey presented in a logical manner? If not, what would be a more logical progression for the survey?

 3. Were there any missing topics or questions that you feel might be beneficial for our study? Please elaborate

  1. CAPS Canadian Abortion Provider Survey