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Table 10 Programme highlights and benefits: qualitative participant feedback

From: ‘Get Healthy!’ physical activity and healthy eating intervention for adults with intellectual disability: results from the feasibility pilot

Programme highlight

Quotes from participants with intellectual disability

Quotes from carer participants

Programme fostered a sense of pride and achievement

“When I was riding the bikes [the instructor] would say, ‘come on, keep on going, keep on going’. I thought that was good because it made me feel like I was losing weight...pushing that bit more.” Participant F

“I liked them [reward stickers] …That means I went on the bike with a high score… [so I was motivated] I did more”. Participant E

“I just really really like the whole [program] environment. I mean, [the instructor] was just amazing with the guys. She was always extremely positive. All the guys wanted to go each there because of her. … she was so calm and confident, that she was able to transmit that energy to the guys and then when they were there they wanted to be part of the activity, they wanted to be part of the exercise.” Carer 2

““[Their] confidence grew with the [bike] equipment. In the beginning they were really hesitant and just did two minutes, then towards the end they were competing against each other- you know, pushing buttons themselves, and setting things up and all that sort of stuff. So the equipment confidence grew, they jumped in.” Carer 2

Programme Increased knowledge of and commitment to healthy lifestyles:

Healthy eating

“I liked learning about how much sugar was in the coca cola… “[I eat] better now [post-program]- at home, eat salad” Participant D

“[I liked] learning about different foods, and what you can have and can’t have. I thought it [the program] was very good because it helped me out a lot.” Participant F

“Well I [still] love eating food and sometimes I love ice-cream. But only one. Not every day”. Participant A

“I eat a small amount now…a small one [plate of pasta] and vegetables and that…I started on the program, drinking it [water]…[and now I] eat fruit. Its really healthy- eat bananas and that and eat grapes” Participant E

“The guys used to come back and talk a lot about the healthy eating choices, and what they spoke about in the education sessions. And I know that they liked going out to different restaurants or shopping centres and participating in a healthy choice option. And there were a few of them that, you know, on days where they had brought their own morning tea or lunch in from home, you could see that they had made that healthy, conscious choice about buying the right things.” Carer 2

Physical activity

“[I exercise more now because] It’s healthy for your heart” Participant D

Yeah, walk- park- everyday [now]” …Exercise is very good. Very good idea. Makes sense. I loved it so much”. Participant A

“I think exercising does you good because if you’re not exercising then you’re watching TV and I think you’ve got to get out, get away from it and go for a walk” Participant F

“A few of the guys [in the program], their doctors had actually reported improvements and were asking what was going on. One participant who was in the group, his respiratory doctor, said his lung capacity was, he couldn’t believe the change that had happened. Because you know that test where you blow into the thing and the balls go up- he said it was like a different person from when he did it the last time, to when he happened to do it just towards the end of the program.” Carer 2

The programme provided valued opportunities for social interaction

“[I liked exercising] with my friends… I liked the people that taught me how to do it [exercise] Participant F”

“[I liked spending time with] the staff’ Participant E

“I think they enjoyed mixing with the university staff and the other different physiotherapists … they developed a bit of a friendship with a few people there. And also some of the other, some of the others participants- patients- some of the other older people coming in, they enjoyed having a chat with them every week as well” Carer 1

“They all had fun [doing the program together], they were always- because I used to drive them [to the program] on the Tuesdays- they were lined up at my car ready to jump in to go every week. I was never having to chase anyone or find out where they were.” Carer 2

The programme helped participants to identify future healthy lifestyle goals

“I do need help, because sometimes I’ve got problems with what I eat…I think I have to cut back on sweets. I eat too much from the top [of the food pyramid]…. [I’m going to] give up sugar, it’s not good. Too many Coca Colas not good” Participant A

“I want to change, so I get back to the size that I was before, instead of all of this weight, a healthier weight, maybe get help staying away from fatty foods” Participant F

“[one participant] you made such a positive change in her life that now when we are discussing her future goals, one of her goals is that she says she wants to do a cooking program. And the reason she wants to do a cooking program is because she wants to learn how to eat healthy…So I just want to point out that the program has really made a positive change in someone’s life.” Carer 1