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Fig. 5 | Pilot and Feasibility Studies

Fig. 5

From: Effects of cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation on upper limb motor function after stroke: study protocol for the pilot of a randomized controlled trial

Fig. 5

Position of the TMS coils for measuring CBI and MEP. A figure-of-eight coil will be placed over the ipsilesional side of M1 to deliver the test stimuli for eliciting MEP in the FDI muscle. A double-cone coil will be placed over the contralesional side of the cerebellum to deliver the CS. The CS will be delivered 5 ms prior to the TS. CBI will be calculated as the ratio between the peak-to-peak amplitude of the conditioned MEP (black line) and the unconditioned test MEP (grey line). MEP, motor-evoked potential; FDI, first dorsal interosseous; TS, test stimulation; CS, conditioning stimulation; M1, primary motor cortex; CBI, cerebellar brain inhibition; CB, cerebellum

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