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Table 1 Mandated and suggested health visitor checks [2]

From: Study protocol for First Dental Steps Intervention: feasibility study of a health visitor led infant oral health improvement programme

Check (mandated or suggested)

Brief description

Antenatal visit (mandated)

From 28 weeks of pregnancy, delivering comprehensive and holistic assessment of the expectant parents’ needs.

New baby review (mandated)

New baby review, ideally within 10 to 14 days of the birth date.

6- to 8-week review (mandated)

Assessment of progress from birth to 8 weeks.

3- to 4-month contact (suggested)

Growth and development and other key stages, such as social development and interaction.

6 months contact (suggested)

Growth and development and other key stages, such as speech, language, and communication.

9- to 12-month developmental review (mandated)

Review of health and development and the provision of health promotion advice.

2- to 2½-year

developmental review (mandated)

General review of child health, development, and growth.