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Table 1 Definitive RCT progression criteria

From: Auditory rhythmical cueing to improve gait in community-dwelling stroke survivors (ACTIVATE): a pilot randomised controlled trial





Recruitment of participants

Average of at least four patients per month recruited across the four sites

Average of at least three patients per month recruited across the four sites

Average of two or fewer patients recruited per month across the four sites

Treatment adherence

Average of at least 80% supervised and self-monitored treatment sessions completed across the intervention and control groups

Average of at least 70% supervised and self-monitored treatment sessions completed

Average of 70% or less supervised and self-monitored treatment sessions completed

Data completeness

Completion (no missing data) of over 85% of key outcome measures at the 10-week outcome assessment

Completion of over 70% of key outcome measures at 10 weeks

Completion of 70% or less of key outcome measures at 10 weeks.