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Table 2 Category system developed on the basis of the physician interviews

From: Audiovisual teleconsultation for patients with epilepsy in primary care in rural Germany: a pilot study on feasibility and acceptance

Main category

Associated key messagesa

Previous experiences with audiovisual teleconsultation and outpatient needs

No experience of the GP

Clinical experience of the neurologist

Inadequate and uncertain current care situation of the target group

Expectations regarding outpatient telemedicine

Hopes of the GP for more patient and family safety and improvement of own medical care practice

Neurologist’s desire for adequate treatment

GP concerns about mental and social overload of insecure patients and patients in need of care

Neurologist’s concern of a higher time expenditure

Implementation in the practice including preparation, results, and follow-up

Sensitive selection of suitable patients

Most preparation effort on the part of the GP

Moderation by GP, inclusion of all parties in case discussion, shared information exchange

Initial diagnosis

planning of further therapy and diagnostic steps

anxiety and stress reducing measures

Documentation and follow-up by GP and neurologist

Balancing and evaluation of results

Facilitated access to specialist care and improved rural supply

Suitable for target group, possible follow-up with other patient groups with clinical findings

Positive impact on doctor-patient relationship

More transparent therapy planning for GP and patient

Improved education and level of information for all parties

Reassurance of the GP and family carers

High acceptance by patients and relatives and clarity about positive conditions for acceptance

Positive cost-benefit ratio in terms of time spent and effectiveness from neurologist’s perspective

Future challenges and wishes

Optimisation of scheduling

Possible increase of the number of patients and diagnoses

Implementation in acute care

Simplified documentation and billability of the specialist consultation

  1. aIn contrast to Table 1, the focus here is on the main categories and associated key messages derived from the categories and subcategories