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Table 2 Key factors for successful protocol implementation

From: A feasibility study of a randomized controlled trial protocol to assess the impact of an eHealth intervention on the provision of dietary advice in primary care

Physician recruitment

• Engagement of a site lead investigator (physician) to assist with physician recruitment and protocol implementation — via email is encouraged

• One-on-one, face-to-face meetings with physicians, rather than group information sessions

• Offer sufficient renumeration to offset concerns and income lost from time required for research. One participant recommended a minimum of 150 Canadian dollars

Patient recruitment

• Enlisting a nurse at each clinic to assist the research team with patient recruitment. Ensure buy-in of this strategy from physicians at clinic prior to implementing

• Consider liberalized eligibility criteria that will allow the maximum number of patients to participate

Protocol adherence

• Having physicians see study patients more consecutively over a shorter period of time

• Sending study patients into the clinic room with a visible, tangible hard copy of a ‘physician prompt form’, with additional reminders for physicians from study personnel for the first few patients that complete the study