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Table 2 Description of intervention components

From: Protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled study of a multicomponent intervention to promote a sustainable return to work of workers on long-term sick leave — PROWORK: PROmoting a Sustainable and Healthy Return to WORK

Intervention component


Management of sickness absence and RTW

Worker toolkit

- Education

How and when to use the toolkit

Sick leave and wellbeing

- Step-by-step guidance of how to self-manage

Sickness absence

Preparing to RTW

Being back at work

- How to build confidence in managing mental health?

- How to prepare to RTW?

- Knowledge of different signs of low mental wellbeing

- Where to find support to improve my mental health?

- What to do for a sustainable RTW?

Barrier identification

- Is there anything that might stop you from using the toolkit?

- Is there anything that might stop you from having a successful RTW?

- How can you overcome these challenges?

Behavioural change techniques

- Introduction to step-by-step techniques to improve health and build confidence to RTW

- Introduction to styles of thinking and management of unhelpful thinking

- Introduction to SMART goals

- Using checklists and activities to track changes and plan ahead

Employer toolkit

- Education

How and when to use the toolkit?

How to apply a person-centric approach?

Sick leave and mental wellbeing

- Step-by-step guidance of how to manage

Managing sickness absence

Preparing for worker’s RTW

Managing the worker back at work

- How to be in the right mindset to manage the RTW well?

- How to develop positive communication skills?

- Knowledge of different signs of low mental wellbeing

- Where to find support to manage worker’s RTW?

- What to do for a sustainable RTW?

Barrier identification

- Is there anything that might stop you from using the toolkit?

- Is there anything that might prevent you from applying positive communication techniques?

- How can you overcome these challenges?

Behavioural change techniques

- Introduction to step-by-step techniques to build confidence and manage RTW positively

- Introduction to positive communication techniques

- Introduction to goal setting

- Using checklists and activities to track changes and plan ahead

1-h worker coaching session

- Three workplace coaching sessions based on goal setting and problem-solving skills to support the worker during their sick leave and RTW

- Goal setting and revision of previous and future goals and their outcomes

- Identification of challenges and facilitators of each of the goals

- Revision of activities and planning of the next steps

20-min employer training webinar

- Initial training module to inform the person managing the sick leave and RTW of a worker of how to have conversations about mental health at work and help the worker feel comfortable and confident about having those conversations


- Prompts offered by researcher to encourage worker and employer to use the toolkit

Intervention checklists

- Completion of checklists at each of the sickness absence and RTW stages

- Rate confidence to RTW

- Rate mental wellbeing

- Researcher to ask participants to send their completed checklists for compliance

Group messaging

- To be used as a platform to contact employees to record their RTW date