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Table 1 Description of the exercises used in the exercise program

From: Are progressive shoulder exercises feasible in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis or rotator cuff tear arthropathy?

Exercise Muscle(s) targeted


Pendulum (warm up)

Good hand on the back of a chair and a little bent over.

Make 10 small circles clockwise and counterclockwise.

Table slides (warm up)

Patient sitting at a table with the hand on a dry cloth. Make 10 forward slides, make 10 large circles and 10 figure eights.

External rotation


Teres minor

Deltoideus posterior

Level B: Patient sitting with elbow at 90°. Make external rotation.

Level A: Patient standing with elbow at 90°. Make external rotation.

Internal rotation


Teres major

Level B: Patient sitting with elbow at 90 . Make internal rotation.

Level A: Patient standing with elbow at 90 . Make internal rotation.

Posture exercise


Level B: Patients standing with arms hanging along the body. Squeeze the shoulder blades together.

Level A: Patient standing with arms in 45° forward flexion. Make extension with elbows stretched while squeezing the shoulder blades together.




Level B: Patient standing facing a wall. Make a slight forward flexion and eccentric abduction.

Level A: Patient standing with arm along the sides. Make abduction.

Forward flexion


Level B: Patient supine with arms along the sides. Make forward flexion.

Level A: Patient standing with arms in 45° forward flexion. Make forward flexion.