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Table 1 Intervention—Younger Women’s Wellness After Cancer Program

From: Protocol of trans-Tasman feasibility randomised controlled trial of the Younger Women’s Wellness After Breast Cancer (YWWACP) lifestyle intervention




Physical activity

Be moderately physically active, equivalent to brisk walking, for ≥ 30 min daily. As fitness improves, aim for ≥ 60 min of moderate (or for ≥ 30 min of vigorous) physical activity every day.

Physical activity of longer duration or greater intensity is more beneficial. All forms of physical activity protect against some cancers, as well as against abnormal or excessive weight gain.


Eat mostly foods of plant origin. Limit consumption of energy dense foods. Avoid sugary drinks. Limit intake of red meat and avoid processed meat.

The evidence indicates that most diets that are protective against cancer mainly comprise foods of plant origin. Energy-dense foods and sugary drinks contribute to abnormal or excessive weight gain. The evidence also indicates foods of animal origin are nourishing and healthy if consumed in modest amounts.


If alcoholic drinks are consumed, limit consumption to no more than one drink per day.

The evidence on balance justifies alcohol abstinence, although some evidence indicates that modest amounts of alcohol could reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Abnormal or excessive weight gain

Be as lean as possible within the normal weight range. Avoid weight gain and increases in waist circumference.

Maintenance of a healthy weight could be one of the most important ways to protect against treatment-related chronic diseases.

  1. Source: World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research (WCRF/AICR). Continuous Update Project Report Summary: Food, Nutrition and Physical Activity and the Prevention of Breast Cancer 2018