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Table 1 Summary of health education active control

From: The design and evaluation of a health education control for comparison with cognitive behavioural therapy for individuals with acquired brain injury



Module 1: TBI/stroke education

Introduction to the intervention

TBI/stroke education

Common cognitive, behavioural and emotional sequalae that occur following ABI

Module 2: Sleep

Normal sleep, including the regulation of sleep

Disturbed sleep following ABI — types, frequency and causes

Impact of sleep disturbance on everyday life

Module 3: Fatigue

Definition and types of fatigue

Causes of fatigue and associated factors

Impact of fatigue on everyday life

Module 4: Exercise and stress

Types of exercise and their benefits

Relationship between exercise, sleep and fatigue

Summary of stress and how it affects our mind and body

Relationship between stress, sleep and fatigue

Module 5: Diet, alcohol and substance use

Healthy diet including foods that improve brain health

Relationship between diet, sleep and fatigue

Impact of alcohol and substance use on the brain

Relationship between alcohol/substance use, sleep and fatigue

Module 6: Cognitive difficulties following ABI

Common cognitive difficulties following ABI, including attention, learning and memory, word finding difficulties and executive functioning

Relationship between cognitive difficulties, sleep and fatigue

Module 7: Recovery in ABI

Importance of recovery and rehabilitation after ABI

Emotional stages of recovery

Factors that affect recovery

Module 8: Summary

Summary of key points from each module

Closing therapy sessions

  1. TBI Traumatic brain injury, ABI Acquired brain injury