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Table 1 Aims, outcome measures and progression criteria

From: Protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility study examining the efficacy of brief cognitive therapy for the treatment of panic disorder in adolescents (PANDA)





Progression criteria


Identify appropriate clinical outcome and economic measures for a subsequent definitive trial

Clinical outcomes: ADIS-C/P/KSADS-C/P (or DAWBA and ADIS-panic section) (diagnosis and CSR)

Routine assessment/pre-randomisation

Appropriate measures identified

Clinical outcomes: PDSS-A, RCADS-C/P, CAIS-C/P

Health economic measures: CSRI, EQ-5D, CHU-9D


Clinical outcomes: PDSS-A, RCADS-C/P, CAIS-C/P

Health economic measures: CSRI, EQ-5D, CHU-9D


Clinical outcomes: ADIS-C/P/KSADS-C/P (or DAWBA & ADIS-panic section) (diagnosis and CSR), CGI-I, PDSS-A, RCADS-C/P, CAIS-C/P

Health economic measures: CSRI, EQ-5D, CHU-9D

3-month follow-up


Explore the acceptability of the treatments and trial procedures

Credibility and expectation of improvement scale-C/P


No serious concerns raised


Post-treatment and 3-month follow-up

No serious concerns raised

Qualitative interview (young people, parent/carers, clinicians)

Post-treatment/3-month follow-up

No serious concerns raised


Establish likely recruitment rates

Screening logs maintained by site

n = Approached

n= Accepting

n = Declining

Reasons (coded) for decline of study invitation

At study entry and ongoing through study

Green: ≥ 30 participants recruited; ≥ 80% eligible participants agree to randomisation

Amber: 20–29 participants recruited; 70–79% eligible participants agree to randomisation

Red: < 20 young people are recruited; < 70% eligible participants agree to randomisation


Establish the likely rate of treatment drop-out

Number withdrawing from treatment

Ongoing through study

Green: Treatment drop-out rate of ≤ 20% in both treatment arms

Amber: Treatment drop-out rate of 21–30% in both treatment arms

Red: Treatment drop-out rate of > 30% in both treatment arms


Establish likely retention to research assessments post-treatment and at 3-month follow-up

Number of completed assessments


- All other clinical and health economic outcome measures

Ongoing through study

Green: ≥ 80% of participants will complete the PDSS-A at post-treatment and 3-month follow-up assessment

Amber: 70–79% of participants complete the PDSS-A at post-treatment and 3-month follow-up assessment

Red: < 70% of participants complete the PDSS-A at post-treatment and 3-month follow-up assessment


Explore retention to a brief 12-month follow-up

Clinical outcomes: PDSS-A

12-months follow-up

No set criteria


Establish if brief cognitive therapy can be delivered so that it is clearly distinct from a general form of CBT, with high levels of fidelity by practitioners in both arms

Therapy contents checklist

Each clinical session

Green: In both arms, sessions contain ≥ 80% ‘allowable’ features of the specific intervention

Amber: In both arms, sessions contain 70–79% ‘allowable’ features of the specific intervention

Red: In both arms, sessions contain < 70% ‘allowable’ features of the specific intervention


Conduct exploratory analyses of possible outcomes for the two treatments including changes in anxiety symptoms, diagnostic status, quality of life and healthcare resource use

Clinical outcomes: PDSS-A, RCADS-C/P, CAIS-C/P

Health economic measures: CSRI, EQ-5D, CHU-9D


Not applicable

Clinical outcomes: ADIS-C/P/KSADS-C/P (diagnosis and CSR), CGI-I, PDSS-A, RCADS-C/P, CAIS-C/P

Health economic measures: CSRI, EQ-5D, CHU-9D

3-month follow-up

Not applicable

Clinical outcomes: PDSS-A

12-months follow-up

Not applicable


Describe negative impacts of the treatments and the trial procedures (to young people, their parents/carers and clinicians)

Adverse events

Ongoing through study

Serious negative impacts do not occur because of participation in the trial

Qualitative interview (young people, parent/carers, clinicians)

Post-treatment/3-month follow-up

No serious impacts raised


Explore young people’s outcomes on measures of symptom and functional impairment

Symptom measures: PDSS-A, RCADS-C/P, CAIS-C/P

Functional impairment: ORS


Not applicable

Symptom measures: PDSS-A, RCADS-C/P, CAIS-C/P

Functional impairment: ORS

3-month follow-up

Not applicable

Clinical outcomes: PDSS-A

12-month follow-up

Not applicable