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Table 2 Study inclusion and exclusion criteria

From: An open-label prospective pilot trial of nucleus accumbens deep brain stimulation for children with autism spectrum disorder and severe, refractory self-injurious behavior: study protocol

Inclusion criteria

 1. Children and adolescents between age 7-18

 2. Diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder by a treating developmental pediatrician

 3. Failure or non-eligibility of medical therapy with ongoing repetitive self-injurious behaviors, at 6 months or more after instigation of therapy. Failure is defined as a lack of improvement in self-injurious behaviors, as documented by objective evidence, including caregiver logs or clinician assessment, if the clinician has documented a baseline status prior to instigation of the medical therapy.

 4. The child has undergone rigorous, gold-standard Functional Behavior Assessment including functional analysis, leading to treatment lasting a minimum of 6 months, without significant change from baseline.

 5. Diagnosis of secondary stereotypies, based on clinical assessment of the treating physicians with evidence of self-injury, documented in the patient records. The definition of self-injury is contextual, but requires current, previous or potential manifestation of physical injury to the child.

 6. The child is at risk of permanent injury as a result of self-injurious behaviors. Permanent injury is non-reversible physical injury causing a reduction in baseline functions.

 7. Parents or legal guardians, including caregivers, informed, and able to give written consent.

 8. Able to comply with all testing, follow-ups and study appointments and protocols for 12 months following the end of the duration of the study.

Exclusion criteria

 1. Does not meet study specific definition of autism spectrum disorder using DSM-5 criteria. The treating physicians at each individual clinic will be responsible for diagnosis.

 2. Substance dependence or abuse in the last 6 months, excluding caffeine and nicotine

 3. Any contraindication to MRI, required for stereotactic surgical planning.

 4. Likely to relocate away from the study site or move during the study’s 1-year duration

 5. Presence of cardiac arrhythmias, coagulopathy or other cardiac, respiratory, renal, or endocrine conditions that will result in significant risk from a surgical procedure.

 6. Pregnancy