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Table 1 Baseline descriptives

From: Development of GERAS DANcing for Cognition and Exercise (DANCE): a feasibility study


Completed (n = 20)

Did not complete (n = 5)

Age years (SD)

77.55 [95% CI 74.80, 80.31]

81.80 [95% CI 76.29, 87.31]

Sex (% female)

14/20 (70%)

4/5 (80%)

Living arrangement (lives alone)

5/20 (25%)

2/5 (40%)

Education more than high school (% of participants)

7/20 (35%)

3/5 (60%)

Falls: no falls in the past year (% of participants)

5/20 (25%)

3/5 (60%)

Falls: > 1 fall in the past year (% of participants)

10/20 (50%)

1/5 (20%)

Falls: > 2 falls in the past year (% of participants)

5/20 (25%)

1/5 (20%)

Frailty: Fried frailty (pre-frail or frail)

19/20 (95%)

4/5 (80%)

Cognition: MOCA total score (SD)

22.47 [95% CI 20.49, 24.45]

19.40 [95% CI 15.74, 23.06]

Physical function: SPPB total score (SD)

8.25 [95% CI 7.31, 9.19]

9.60 [95% CI 7.72, 11.48]

  1. Baseline descriptives of older adults who completed the study compared to those who did not as indicated by adherence to the GERAS DANCE classes greater than 70%
  2. ICON-FES 10-item Iconographical Falls Efficacy Scale, MOCA Montreal Cognitive Assessment, Fried Frailty Phenotype, SPPB Short Physical Performance Battery, CI confidence interval