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Table 5 Physiotherapist fidelity to intervention delivery

From: Is an individually tailored programme of intense leg resistance and dynamic exercise acceptable to adults with an acute lateral patellar dislocation? A feasibility study

aBehaviour change strategies

Action planner completed/reviewed


50/55 (90.9%)


5/55 (9.1%)

  Participant did not bring to session

3/55 (5.5%)

  Participant discharged/last treatment session

2/55 (3.6%)

bParticipant information booklet given


14/15 (93.3%)


c1/15 (6.7%)

  None available

1/15 (6.7%)

Exercise diary issued/reviewed


51/55 (92.7%)


4/51 (7.8%)

  Participant did not bring to session

3/55 (5.5%)

  Participant discharged/last treatment session

1/55 (1.8%)

Exercise(s) demonstrated to participant?


50/55 (90.9%)


5/55 (9.1%)

  Participant already completing exercises

3/55 (5.5%)

  Participant discharged/last treatment session

2/55 (3.6%)

Participant opportunity to practice exercise(s)


52/55 (94.5%)


3/55 (5.5%)

  Participant already completing exercises

1/55 (1.8%)

  Participant discharged/last treatment session

2/55 (3.6%)

dResistance exercise prescription

≥1 resistance exercise prescribed per treatment session


50/55 (90.9%)


5/55 (9.1%)

  No reason provided

3/55 (5.5%)

  No exercises prescribed as participant discharged

2/55 (3.6%)

Sets between 1 and 3


90/93 (96.8%)


3/93 (3.2%)

  Missing data

2/93 (2.2%)

  >3 sets prescribed

1/93 (1.1%)

Reps between 8 and 12


89/93 (84.9%)


4/93 (4.3%)

  Missing data

2/93 (2.2%)

  >12 reps prescribed

1/93 (1.1%)

  <8 reps prescribed

1/93 (1.1%)

Frequency ≥3 times per week


91/93 (97.8%)


2/93 (2.2%)

  Missing data

1/93 (1.1%)


1/93 (1.1%)

Intensity 4–6 after two repetitions


61/93 (65.6%)


32/93 (34.4%)

  Insufficient weights available to reach target intensity

7/93 (8.4%)

  Missing data

4/93 (4.3%)

  Patient independent with this

1/93 (1.1%)

  Squat exercise used as control exercise therefore intensity not regulated

1/93 (1.1%)

  Completed before not reassessed



12/93 (12.9%)


6/93 (6.5%)

  1. aThe denominator for behaviour change strategies is the total number of physiotherapy sessions provided, that is 55. bParticipant information booklets were issued once; therefore, the total number equals the number of participants, that is 15. cSubsequently issued to this participant at the second treatment session. dThe denominator for resistance exercises prescribed is the total number of resistance exercises prescribed by physiotherapists, that is 93