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Table 1 Included and excluded intervention components identified from the scoping review

From: Development of a complex arts-based intervention for patients with end-stage kidney disease whilst receiving haemodialysis

Included intervention components


Excluded intervention components


One-to-one facilitation

Physical restrictions of patients (vascular access).

Reduce burden on healthcare professionals

Art trolley/communal art supplies

Infection control concerns

Visual arts activities

Implementation likely to be feasible

Collaborative group projects

Person-centred approach required to induce flow

Creative writing activities

Implementation likely to be feasible

Display or spotlight ‘wall’

Initially planned, however, level of patient anxiety resulted in the removal of this component during the feasibility study

Flexibility of choice

To promote engagement and facilitate the inducement of a flow state.

Music activities

Existing empirical evidence base, including meta-analyses on efficacy.

Activity log and time limited sessions

To allow evaluation of fidelity and adherence within the framework of an RCT

Requirement for facilitator to hold a Bachelor of Arts.

Not well justified within the literature, and limited resources of the feasibility study would not enable recruitment of a professional artist.