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Table 4 Satisfaction with the intervention’s virtual reality scenarios

From: Feasibility of a virtual reality-based approach to improve behavioral weight management outcomes

To what extent do you think that you would prefer a virtual reality over a more traditional weight loss approach? (1 = not at all prefer virtual reality; 7 = extremely prefer virtual reality)

4.7 (1.8)

Satisfaction (1 = very dissatisfied to 4 =very satisfied )

 VR homework in general

3.3 (0.5)

 VR restaurant scene

3.4 (0.5)

 VR activity cues

2.6 (1.3)

 VR kitchen cues

2.4 (1.5)

How would you rate the distance of objects in the VR videos (1 = way too close; 5 = way too far)

3.3 (1.0)

How clear were the narration and instructions during the VR exercises? (1 = not clear at all; 10 = very clear)

7.3 (3.5)

Rate how difficult it was for you to find the objects in the Home Kitchen and Activity Cue simulations. (1 = too easy; 10 = too hard)

5.6 (3.2)

How would you rate your ability to look in the right place at the right time when people were talking in both scenarios? (1 = very easy; 10 = very hard)

5.3 (2.7)

Rate how realistic you felt the Kitchen scene portrayed in the VR video was to you. This question refers to the atmosphere of the scene, not the visual clarity of the video. (1 =not at all realistic; 10 = very realistic)

6.7 (2.4)

Rate how realistic you felt the Activity Cues scene portrayed in the video was to you. This question refers to the atmosphere of the space, not the visual clarity of the video. (1 =not at all realistic; 10 = very realistic)

6.7 (1.9)

Rate how effective you found the selection menu in the restaurant scenario (1 = not effective; 10 = very effective)

5.6 (2.2)

To what extent were your eyes strained during the VR experiences? (1 = not at all; 7 = extremely)

2.6 (1.8)

To what extent did you experience motion sickness or nausea during the VR experiences? (1 = not at all; 7 = extremely)

2.1 (1.9)

  1. VR virtual reality; data presented as mean (standard deviation)