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Table 4 Illustrative quotes—implementation, context, and mechanism of impact

From: Children Learning About Second-hand Smoke (CLASS II): a mixed methods process evaluation of a school-based intervention



Quote and participant ID



Of course it (the training) was helpful. I didn’t have much knowledge about SHS earlier. But after this project I got to know about it at a larger scale. Then I learnt how harmful smoking is for our family and surroundings, how to keep ourselves away from it, and how we can motivate our children to keep our homes smoke-free. 02-05 Teacher


Besides, you can train the team leaders or student girl guides and prepare them as our co-warrior. You can nominate 2 persons from each class. The way they can reach to their classmates, we may not. One friend can discourage another friend while smoking, but the same student may not smoke in front of his teachers at the first place. 01-01 Teacher


As far as I understood from the story, Bijoy is a restless young boy. I kept that in mind while choosing this character from my students. Bijoy’s sister was expert with words, that’s why I chose one of my students who sings and presents well. That’s how I chose other characters, too. So that they can play their role perfectly.

02-06 Teacher


How well the children did, what they did with the promise forms and then, the way we guided them to keep their home smoke free, which day their home was smoke free or which day it wasn’t. Then we asked them if they faced any problem at home. I also asked them how their fathers smoke now, if they still smoke in front of their kids, do they smoke outside of the homes, or in a closed room.

01-05 Teacher


We could explain the necessary information on SHS through photos and story. I think it was very effective way of giving children the confidence of talking with their parents and making their home smoke free.

01-02 Teacher


Moreover, when children collected signatures on the promise forms from the parents, their parents realised that children are now aware of the issues. So they should feel the necessity to stop smoking in front of them. It is not easy to quit smoking. But the parents who put signatures on the promise forms at least tried to follow the advice.

02-05 Teacher



Not all the parents are sincere about such issue if this is included in their children’s curriculum, they will get to know about it too they will feel the incentive that children should know about it and if this is in the curriculum, it will have marks allocated so parents will be sincere about it.

01-05 Teacher


No, it should better stay as a separate programme, because this is curriculum made by the Government. The Government always discourage smoking in different ways through stories, plays. This programme does not need to be included in the textbooks…if it could be arranged anytime other than class hours that would be better.

02-03 Headteacher


The bad effects of smoking are discussed briefly in the science textbook. For example, diseases that are caused from smoking these are discussed in a chapter called infectious disease. How harmful smoking inside a closed-door room is, what is second hand smoking in brief. But your project discussed about this issue in details. And your project can make a very good chapter for textbook.

02-05 Teacher


For a good partnership, if you can consider and maintain the timing of the school and classes of the children so their normal education is not hampered in anyway, then any good work can be accomplished through partnership.

02-03 Headteacher

 Mechanisms of impact


Children liked the flipchart containing photos, and the role play. They could learn practically from that. They gained insight on what to do in such situations. They realised the overall issue.

02-06 Teacher


Reading out the story or doing acting on it means they will keep it in their mind for longer period of time. And students could understand the meaning of the story because of characters like Bijoy and Bithi. So the role-play and the storybook, both were very helpful for the students to grasp the main points of your project.

02-03 Teacher


Second hand smoking is an unavoidable social problem; we should get aware of this problem immediately. I think, children are the key motivator in a family, so if we teach the children on how to make their home smoke free, they will try to follow it at their home. When they will get aware of second hand smoke they will be able to negotiate with their parents to stop smoking at home.

01-04 Teacher


Earlier, I didn’t know that second-hand smoking is this much injurious to children. I didn’t have much knowledge about it and the diseases it causes. I thought only smokers get affected from smoking. Now when someone smokes near me, I feel like I am being affected by it and nicotine is entering into my body, too. Therefore, I must say that I have taught a lot from your project the diseases that smoking can cause etc. I still have the book you gave me, and I often read it.

02-03 Teacher