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Table 1 Behaviour change techniques (BCTs) operationalised as part of the PolyPrime intervention

From: An external pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of a theory-based intervention to improve appropriate polypharmacy in older people in primary care (PolyPrime): study protocol

Behaviour change technique (BCT)

BCT delivery as part of the PolyPrime intervention

Action planning

During GP practice staff meetings, GPs will plan to perform medication reviews on a specified date when patients meeting inclusion criteria present at the practice for a scheduled appointment.


GPs will be prompted by the receptionist/practice manager to perform medication reviews with older patients meeting inclusion criteria when patients present for a scheduled appointment.

Modelling or demonstrating of behaviour

GPs will be provided with a video demonstration of how to perform a medication review with an older patient who is receiving polypharmacy.

Salience of consequences

As part of the video demonstration of how to perform a medication review, feedback will be included from the GP and ‘patient’ to emphasise the potentially positive consequences of performing the review.