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Table 2 Outcomes of trial procedures

From: Brief problem-solving therapy for antenatal depressive symptoms in primary care in rural Ethiopia: protocol for a randomised, controlled feasibility trial

Feasibility outcomes

Data source

Feasibility success


Feasibility of recruitment

• Dropouts from the trial/completion of sessions

screening logs, supervision minutes and session records

50% or more women complete sessions

Pre- and during intervention

â–ª Feasibility and suitability of eligibility criteria restrictive/too inclusive

Administrative (screening logs)

Proceedings of weekly supervision meeting (Agenda: suitability of eligibility)

# of women excluded due to each exclusion criteria


Feasibility of data collection procedures

â–ª Clarity of baseline questionnaires (layout, instructions, order of tools))

Proceedings of weekly supervision meeting (Agenda: clarity, time and acceptability of items

20 minutes to complete baseline and follow up battery


â–ª Characteristics of outcome measures (SD of the outcome and missing data)

Outcome assessment tools

Less than 5% missing data

Post baseline assessment

â–ª Time needed to complete questionnaires (reasonable or burden to participants)

Time recorded on questionnaire

FGD with supervisors and research assistants

20 minutes to complete baseline and follow up battery


• adequacy of masking of assessors and time needed to collect and analyse the data

Administrative documents

FGD with supervisors and research assistants


since start of recruitment

â–ª Practical administrative and resource challenges to conduct the study (e.g. budget requirements, time, space, staff, skill, intervention materials)

In-depth interviews with participants and healthcare providers, FGD with supervisors and research assistants


Post/ During intervention

Acceptability of trial procedures

â–ª Obstacles to recruitment (recruitment rates, number of eligible patients, number of refusals and screenings)

Administrative data and qualitative data from healthcare providers and participants

Proceedings of weekly supervision meeting (Agenda: recruitment challenges)

Less than 10% refusal to be randomized and screened in the flowchart


â–ª Participant willingness to be randomized (# of women)

Administrative data (enrolment log)

Less than 10% refusal to be randomized

Post/during intervention