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Table 1 Table of how stakeholder feedback informed intervention design

From: Co-production of two whole-school sexual health interventions for English secondary schools: positive choices and project respect


Stakeholder feedback

Stakeholder group

How incorporated into intervention design

PR and PR

Intervention aims appropriate and relevant.

Consultation with students, teachers, ALPHA and policy stakeholders

Confirmed planned approaches

PR and PR

Interventions components appropriate. Tailoring to student needs particularly valued.

Consultation with students and teachers

Supported planned approaches


Concern over student preference informing selection of whole curriculum.

Consultation with teachers

Curriculum developed with essential and ‘add on’ lessons the selection of which was to be informed by the student needs assessment.


Train-the-trainer model acceptable and helpful in reducing number of teachers needing to be released for whole day training.

Consultation with teachers

Confirmed planned approaches


Curriculum lessons need to be adaptable for split delivery over shorter than an hour slots.

Consultation with teachers

Built in to design of curriculum lessons for both PC and PR

PR and PC

Manual materials need to be concise and to the point. Supporting evidence and theory should be provided as appendices.

Consultation with teachers

Manual materials for both projects developed with these points in mind.

PR and PC

Curriculum materials should be ‘plug and play’ so staff with limited confidence, experience or time could deliver an effective lesson.

Consultation with teachers

It was agreed that pragmatically and to ensure fidelity of implementation prescriptive materials should be developed for both interventions.

PR and PC

Materials should be adaptable for more experienced or confident teachers

Consultation with teachers

Essential material and where adaption was possible was highlighted in both interventions and a selection of additional materials and options for differentiation included.

PR and PC

Options to adapt lesson content to schools’ existing provision

Consultation with teachers/Professional and policy stakeholder event

Assessed on a case by case basis following a review of what schools have already covered and materials used.

PR and PC

Intervention materials should be provided in electronic format and in hard copy.

Consultation with teachers

Materials supplied electronically to all staff and in online format for PC. Hard copies handed out at trainings.

PR and PC

Introduction of interventions at an earlier stage in years seven when students are aged 11-12 or eight when students are aged 12-13.

Consultation with students

Contradicted teacher and student feedback in earlier consultation. Was agreed with specialist provider agencies that intervention content was appropriate for years 9 for PC and 9 and 10 for PR.


Small group, discussion activities and ‘real life scenarios to reflect on appreciated by young people.

Consultation with students and ALPHA

Confirmed planned approaches on PR and PC.


Subtler or less obvious forms of abuse should be covered by the intervention

Consultation with students

Confirmed planned approaches in PR.


Appropriate signposting and support should be provided for students, including how to support friends who disclose abuse.

Consultation with ALPHA

Built in to each lesson for both interventions.


Materials should accurately reflect the lives of young people including the role of social media in DRV and online technologies in the conduct of young people's lives and relationships.

Consultation with students and ALPHA

Informed curriculum content


Young people use a range of terms to define dating and relationships

Consultation with students

Terms and meanings used in the intervention defined clearly for both students and staff in intervention materials.

PC and PR

Teacher educators can be acceptable and valued, but careful selection of teachers is required.

Consultation with students

Confirmed planned approaches, but schools were encouraged to select trained teaching staff and those with an interest and commitment to teaching these topics.

PC and PR

External educators may increase sense of student safety in the classroom and bring specialist, expert knowledge to lessons.

Consultation with staff and students

Model promotes training staff to be competent in teaching topics covered by each of the interventions. Budget did not allow for the inclusion of external experts to deliver lessons for each school, although schools were able to source these as part of their usual provision if they so wished.

PC and PR

Some ‘sensitive’ topics should be taught in single sex lessons.

Consultation with staff and students

Generally, runs against best practice for the delivery of RSE. Guidance was provided for schools that lessons should be taught in mixed sex groups to enable the sharing of ideas and discussion across genders, and model real life experiences. Also, potential alienation of trans, non-binary or questioning students.


Student led social marketing campaigns needs some wider oversight to ensure student messaging is consistent with programme aims

Consultation with ALPHA

Oversight to be provided by the School Health Promotion Council (SHPC). Specific links and responsibilities for SHPC oversight built in to design of student led social marketing component.

PR and PC

Flexibility in the mode of parent engagement. Parent engagement materials should be sensitive to local home cultures.

Consultation with staff, students and ALPHA.

Mode of engaging with parents (e.g. for disseminating information and newsletters) and exact content of information left open for schools.


Homework could breach parent/child boundaries

Consultation with ALPHA

In line with SEF intended plan, homework assignments remain defined as an essential part of the curriculum, but introduced carefully.

PR and PC

Deep engagement with senior leadership members at participating schools to encourage school commitment

Professional and policy stakeholder event

For PC face to face meetings organised with all head teachers

PR and PC

Disseminate information about interventions throughout the school community to awareness throughout the school and promote school commitment

Professional and policy stakeholder event

For PC guidance on launch activities and disseminating information provided in intervention materials

PR and PC

Involve local stakeholders (school governors; parents; local authorities and other agencies) to generate support for implementation.

Professional and policy stakeholder event

Included in guidance for PC.

PR and PC

Maintain regular contact with strategic lead at each school.

Professional and policy stakeholder event

Implemented for both PR and PC.

PR and PC

Highlight to schools the direct benefits to them of taking part in the trials (not just public health benefits).

Professional and policy stakeholder event

Described in manual materials for PC. Interventions mapped to school obligating to safeguard children and promote social and emotional wellbeing, and to school inspectorate judgements. For PR, confirmed inclusion of information on the impact of DRV on educational attainments in training materials.

PR and PC

Implement service level agreements with all schools

Professional and policy stakeholder event

SLAs implemented for PC in pilot. Timing did not work of PR.