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Table 1 Overview of both trainings

From: A feasibility study on two tailored interventions to improve adherence in adults with haemophilia



Aim of the session

‘Living with haemophilia’ (face-to-face)


Creating realization in how a patient is controlling thoughts, feelings and physical sensations. Discussing if this way of handling thoughts, feelings and physical sensations is effective or not.

2. Acceptance

Creating space for tiresome thoughts, feelings and physical sensations. Acceptance is part of tolerating challenging experiences patients cannot get rid of.

3. Letting go of thoughts

Creating realization about thoughts and how thoughts arise. Discuss if thoughts always are effective and if not how to transform them by changing them.

4. Self

Distancing ourselves from strict or rigid beliefs. Discuss who someone is and someone’s identity. Discussing if this vision about yourself is real or if they are just thoughts, feelings and physical sensations. Discuss who someone wants to be.

5. Values

Creating realization in what a patient must do, can do and wants to do. Discussing which values are important for the patient and what he really wants in life.

6. Handling

Discussing barriers, motivators and strategies for things patients really want to do. Creating realization of someone’s short and long time reward. Developing concrete plans.

7 Looking back and forward

Summarizing on the six concepts (control, acceptance, letting go thoughts, self, values and handling) and discussing used metaphors and exercises.

8. Follow-up session

Discussing progress and providing additional advice.

‘Challenging your haemophilia’ (online)

1. Willing

Which values are important, learning about self-management and setting personal goals

2. Knowledge

What is haemophilia, advantage and disadvantages of haemophilia and how to intergrade prophylaxis regimen into daily life

3. Being able

Infusing tips, taking and holding your own control, making responsible choices, tackling problems, communication and giving and receiving feedback

4. Living together

Communication about haemophilia with others, haemophilia and its impact on relationships and sexuality and impact of haemophilia on children

5. Exercise and sport

Differences in goals and levels of exercising, making consensus choices about exercising, current exercise habits, impact of exercise on daily life and importance of taking a day off

6. Work

The combination of work and haemophilia, potential obstacles and how to tackle them

7. Looking ahead

Evaluating and setting personal goals