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Table 2 Summary of Facebook posts and interaction with participants

From: A novel research method for workshops and co-production of interventions: using a secret Facebook group

Date of post

Aim of post

Format of post

Number of likes/comments (excluding researcher)

Day 1

To explain the purpose of the workshop, who is involved, and what participants can expect over the coming 2 weeks


19 likes/2 comments

Day 1

For participants to introduce each other and share some meaningful details about their lives to feel more comfortable

Text with photo

3 likes/29 comments

Day 2

To clarify what is meant by a “physical activity programme”


1 comment

Day 2

To decide how we want to define physical activity moving forward

Poll with images

21 votes/14 comments

Day 3

To review the factors that women said made PA easier in the interviews; to gain consensus on modifiable and important factors

Text with 8 photos (see Fig. 1 for example image)

2 likes/139 comments

Day 4

What are participant’s views on self-care? How important do participants feel is it to look after themselves?

Text with photo

3 likes/33 comments

Day 5

Follow-up question about self-care

Text with photo

3 likes/18 comments

Day 5

To review the factors that women say make them less likely to do PA; to gain consensus on the biggest barriers to PA

Text with 8 photos

1 like/158 comments

Day 6

To decide how we want to define “success” in terms of the physical activity programme that is being developed

Poll (text)

1 like/39 votes/9 comments

Day 7

To access acceptability of her workout method and thoughts on a PA intervention

Text with linked video

2 likes/23 comments

Day 8

No content, day off for catching up

Text with photo

5 likes/2 comments

Day 9

To clarify what the focus of the programme should be (PA vs mental health/PA vs PA/diet etc.)

Poll (text)

2 likes/18 votes/12 comments

Day 9

Summary of barriers and facilitators post: to ensure that what I have pulled out of the discussion is what they agree with (validation)

Text with two photos summarising top 10 barriers/facilitators (see Fig. 2 for example image)

14 likes/4 comments

Day 10

No post, catch-up day



Day 11

To understand how to address the barrier of childcare access

Text with photo

1 like/27 comments

Day 12

Intervention development, getting feedback on mental health intervention (mindful self-compassion)

Text with imbedded video

6 likes/27 comments

Day 13

Intervention development, getting feedback on the intervention setting

Poll (text)

2 likes/23 votes/11 comments

Day 14

To assess interest in taking part in subsequent in-person workshop

Poll (text)

3 likes/24 votes/8 comments

Day 15

Asking participants to take part in end-of-workshop survey

Text with linked survey

9 likes/4 comments

  1. PA physical activity