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Table 3 Patient responses to open-ended questions

From: Evaluation of a clinical pharmacist team-based telehealth intervention in a rural clinic setting: a pilot study of feasibility, organizational perceptions, and return on investment

Survey question

Open-ended response

Why did you agree to visit with a pharmacist?

“Doctor recommendation.”

“Wanted different opinion.”

“Wanted more information about medications.”

“Uncontrolled chronic conditions.”

What was your reasoning for your rating of the pharmacist call helpfulness?

“Provided more information/improved [my] understanding.”

“Reminders helped increase adherence and home monitoring.”

“Pharmacist was a good listener, expressed empathy and compassion.”

What was your reasoning for your rating of pharmacist reducing medication costs?

“Pharmacists helped lower [my] medication costs.”

What was your reasoning for your rating of talking with a pharmacist was beneficial to my health?

“Pharmacist provided detailed explanations about [my] meds.”

“Pharmacists improved BP, A1c.”

“Increased awareness about health conditions.”

“Helped understand importance of daily monitoring.”

“Pharmacist was accessible to answer [my] questions.”

“Pharmacist worked to find best solution for [my] specific needs.”

What did you like about having the pharmacist talk to you?

“Pharmacist available to answer [my] questions.”

“Pharmacist had unique ideas to improve health.”

“Pharmacist helped with lifestyle behaviors (e.g. meal modification and alcohol consumption).”

“Clarified areas of confusion.”

“Increased accessibility to healthcare professional.”

If the service is continued, what can be done to improve it?


“Be clearer about when service/communication is ending.”

“No negative experiences.”

“Lower cost of medications.”

Overall comments

“Would like pharmacist to be available for questions as they arise.”

“Very thankful and appreciative of the service.”

“Frustrated by ceased communication.”

“Would like to talk less to pharmacists now that things are under control.”

“Pharmacist cared, asked question, gave information, and tried to get me on the right track and right medications.”

“Provided additional information and improved understanding of meds and disease state.”

“Calls helped increase adherence and home monitoring.”

“Pharmacist was available when clinic wasn’t open.”

“Pharmacist was a good listener, expressed empathy and compassion.”