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Table 1 Overview of Intervention Session Structure

From: Volunteer-led behavioural activation to reduce depression in residential care: a feasibility study

Session component


1. Review Homework

Review resident’s activity schedule from the previous week. Discuss any problems or issues that arose whilst using the activity schedule.

2. Help resident to notice links between their behaviour and their mood

Using the activity schedule, volunteers inquired about any links that the resident noticed between their activities and mood.

3. Introduce and explore weekly theme

Volunteers were provided with resources for six domains *of pleasant activities: physical activity, relaxation, creativity, kindness, relationships and savouring. From week three to eight, volunteers were invited to introduce one of these themes to the resident, and explore a suitable activity relating to the theme that could be scheduled for the week ahead.

4. Activity scheduling for the week ahead

From week two onward, volunteers worked with the resident to plan pleasant activities for the week ahead using an activity scheduling sheet.

  1. *These were identified by drawing on relevant literature and The Pleasant Events Schedule–Nursing Home Version [23]