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Table 1 Table to illustrate criteria for progression from feasibility study to a definitive trial

From: A feasibility study of the physiotherapy management of urinary incontinence in athletic women: trial protocol for the POsITIve study

Progression criteria





Phase 2


Number of participants recruited within 6 months



< 10


Proportion of those screened that are eligible

> 75% screened are eligible

Minor changes to eligibility criteria would increase the number to > 75%

Majority of those screened are ineligible or changes to inclusion criteria required would prohibit meaningful results

Initial consent

Proportion of eligible participants who consent

> 70%


< 50%

Consent to intimate examination

Proportion of those enrolled who consent to intimate examination of PFM

> 70%

50–69 %

< 50%


Number of scheduled appointments attended by participants

> 75%


< 50%

Data completion

Follow-up questionnaire collected at 3-month review

> 75%


< 50%

Follow-up questionnaires collected at 6-month review

> 60%



Phase 3

Recruitment process

Qualitative process evaluation

Most participants find the recruitment process acceptable or minor changes requested

Participants views on acceptability conflicting or larger changes required

Most participants find the recruitment process unacceptable or the changes required are unrealistic

Acceptability of intervention

Qualitative process evaluation

Most participants find the intervention acceptable or would request only minor alterations

Views on acceptability conflicting or major revisions needed

Most participants find the intervention unacceptable or changes required are not feasible

Acceptability of outcome measures

Qualitative process evaluation

Most participants find the questionnaires acceptable or would request only minor alterations

Views on acceptability conflicting or major revisions needed

Most participants find the questionnaires unacceptable or changes required are not feasible

Choice of venue

Qualitative process evaluation

Most participants find the venue acceptable or would request only minor alterations

Views on acceptability conflicting or major revisions needed

Most participants find the venue unacceptable or changes required are not feasible

Use of Squeezy App

Qualitative process evaluation

Most participants find use of a smartphone app easy and beneficial as a reminder for PFMT

Fewer than half find use of a smartphone app beneficial

Most participants find use of a smartphone app not helpful or easy to use

Acceptability of being randomised in a future trial

Qualitative process evaluation

Most participants would accept being randomised for interventions in a future trial

Most would accept being randomised for interventions if there was an option to receive the intervention post RCT

Most participants would not accept being part of a control group in an RCT

  1. This table has been adapted from Pitt et al. 2020 [27]