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Table 1 Content of telephone-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy sessions

From: Study protocol for POSITIF, a randomised multicentre feasibility trial of a brief cognitive-behavioural intervention plus information versus information alone for the treatment of post-stroke fatigue

Session number

Treatment outline


Engagement and preparation

­ Discuss the patient’s experience of post-stroke fatigue

­ Explain symptoms and potential mechanisms of post-stroke fatigue

­ Emphasise that maintaining factors are potentially reversible

­ Explain how to use a diary to monitor daily activities, rest and sleep


Balancing daily activities, rest and sleep

­ Review diaries the patient has been keeping to determine current levels of activity, rest and sleep

­ Discuss strategies to improve sleep patterns

­ Set SMART goals to increase daily activities and improve sleep

­ Agree on an initial plan to balance activity levels, rest and sleep


Increasing daily activities in graded increments

­ Review the patient’s diary and discuss progress with the initial plan

­ Discuss new goals to be achieved in the coming weeks (including decreasing the amount of rest)

­ Agree on a weekly plan to work towards new goals


Improving emotions and thoughts

­ Discuss the ‘3-area model’ to explain the links between thoughts, emotions and behaviour

­ Discuss the unhelpful thoughts and emotions that might occur in response to fatigue

­ Introduce thought challenging sheets


Dealing with difficulties in making progress

­ Identify common ‘blocks’ and setbacks in making progress

­ Discuss any problems the patient has experienced and agree with the patient solutions (patient taking active role)


Preparing for the future

­ Check patient’s understanding of the intervention and discuss their progress

­ Encourage the patient to suggest new future targets and a plan for working towards them

­ Ask patient to fill out treatment evaluation forms

Booster (4 mo after starting intervention)

Review of overall progress

­ Evaluate the patient’s progress since session 6

­ Help the patient solve any outstanding problems

­ Review the patient’s understanding of treatment rationale and skills

­ Discuss further targets and plans