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Table 2 Self-reported outcomes assessed at baseline and 6-week follow-up

From: A digital decision support system (selfBACK) for improved self-management of low back pain: a pilot study with 6-week follow-up




Pain-related disability

RMDQ [21,22,23]

24 items on ability to perform everyday tasks, range 0–24, higher scores indicate higher pain-related disability

LBP intensity, average past week

NRS [24]

LBP intensity rated on an NRS, range 0–10, higher scores indicate higher LBP intensity


FABQ [25, 26]

5 items on LBP and physical activity, range 0–24, higher scores indicate higher fear-avoidance beliefs


PSEQ [27, 28]

10 items on confidence to cope with LBP, range 0–60, higher scores indicate higher confidence

Work ability

WAI [29]

Single item on work ability rated on a NRS, range 0–10, higher scores indicate better work ability

Physical functioning

PSFS [30, 31]

Participants identify up to 2 important activities and rate the ability to perform these activities, range 0–10, higher scores indicate better functioning

Health-related QoL

EQ-5D [32]

5 items (mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort, anxiety/depression) and a 100-mm vertical VAS on health, higher scores indicate better health

Mental health

PHQ-8 [47]

8 items on symptoms of depression, range 0–24, higher scores indicate higher level of depressive symptoms

Perceived stress

PSS [33]

10 items on perception of stress, range 0–40, higher scores indicate higher level of perceived stress

Illness perception

BIPQ [34]

8 items on perception of how LBP interferes with everyday life, range 0–80, higher scores indicate more threatening perception of LBP

No. of pain sites

Pain mannequin

No. of body sites with current pain, range 0–9, including the following body regions: neck, shoulders, upper back, elbows, lower back, wrists/hands, hips/thighs, knees, and ankles/feet.

Activity limitation


2 items (yes/no) on whether LBP has reduced activity during work and/or leisure

Leisure time physical activity


4 categories ranging from sedentary to regular hard physical activity



4 items (problems falling asleep, waking up repeatedly, waking up too early, and daytime sleepiness), range 0–12, higher scores indicate more severe sleep problems


PASS [36]

Single item on whether an acceptable symptom state has been achieved (yes/no). Assessed only at 6-week follow-up

Perceived effect

GPE [37]

Single item on perception of effect from the intervention, scored on balanced scale ranging from “very much worse” to “very much better.” Assessed only at 6-week follow-up

  1. RMDQ Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire, LBP low back pain, NRS numerical rating scale, FABQ fear avoidance-belief questionnaire; PSEQ pain self-efficacy questionnaire, PSFS Patient Specific Functional Scale, PSS Perceived Stress Scale, QoL quality of life; EQ-5D EuroQoL 5 dimensions, VAS visual analogue scale, BIPQ brief illness-perception questionnaire, PHQ-8 Patient Health Questionnaire, WAI work ability index, SGPALS Saltin-Grimby Physical Activity Level Scale, PASS patient acceptable symptom state, GPE global perceived effect