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Table 1 Summary of IPT session content for the randomized controlled pilot study protocol

From: Protocol for a pilot randomized controlled feasibility study of brief interpersonal psychotherapy for addressing social-emotional needs and preventing excess gestational weight gain in adolescents




Introduction; psychoeducation about weight gain in pregnancy; theoretical model of social relationships, mood, and eating patterns; interpersonal inventory; identify program goals; assign daily journal


Affective expression, communication analysis


New communication skills: “Strike while the iron is cold,” “Using ‘I’ statements,” and “Be specific.” Script and role-play a conversation with new skills to be assigned as home practice before next session


New communication skills: “Put yourself in their shoes” and “What you don’t say speaks volumes.” Script and role-play a conversation with skills to be assigned as home practice before next session


New communication skills: “Have a few solutions in mind” and “Don’t give up.” Script and role-play a conversation with skills to be assigned as home practice before next session


Program review; planning ahead for transition of delivery and caring for baby; graduation