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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of participants

From: Extra upper limb practice after stroke: a feasibility study


(n = 20)

Age (year), mean (SD)

63 (17)

Sex, n male (%)

11 (55)

Time since stroke (day), mean (SD)

38 (87)

Side of hemiplegia, n right (%)

12 (60)

Living situation, n lives alone (%)

9 (45)

Education, n attended university (%)

9 (45)

Cognition (MMSE, 0–30), mean (SD)

28 (2)

Neglect (Albert’s Line Cancelation Test), n (%)

2 (10)

Loss of light touch sensation, n (%)


18 (90)


2 (10)


0 (0)

Spasticity (Tardieu Scale Quality of Muscle Reaction, 0–5), mean (SD)

 Wrist flexors

0.15 (0.38)


0.2 (0.51)

Contracture upper limb, n (%)

3 (15)

Complexity of rehabilitation needs (RCS, 0–20), mean (SD)

12 (2)

Grasps unaided, n (%)

10 (50)

Walks unaided, n (%)

2 (10)

  1. MMSE Mini-Mental Status Exam, RCS Rehabilitation Complexity Scale-Extended