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Table 1 Baseline characteristics, disease severity, and recovery of patients presenting with CAP: October–December 2016

From: Patient-reported outcome measurement in community-acquired pneumonia: feasibility of routine application in an elderly hospitalized population


Consenting participants*

Declined participation or excluded*

(n = 44)

(n = 38)


Age (years)

73.5 [63.0–80.0]

77 [72.0–84.0]


23 (52.3%)

23 (60.1%)


5 (11.4%)

18 (47.4%)

Aged care resident

4 (9.1%)

7 (18.4%)

Lives alone

3 (6.8%)

10 (26.3%)

Premorbid health status

CCMI ≥ 7

14 (31.8%)

15 (39.5%)


7 (15.9%)

7 (18.4%)

Chronic pulmonary disease

26 (59.1%)

18 (47.4%)


9 (20.5%)

9 (23.7%)


16 (36.4%)

16 (42.1%)


1 (2.2%)

7 (18.4%)

Malnutrition (MST score ≥ 2)

11 (25.0%)

15 (39.4%)

Walks without assistance†

43 (97.7%)

30 (78.9%)

Disease severity and complications

CURB-65‡ ≥ 3

19 (43.2%)

19 (50.0%)

ICU admission

0 (0%)

4 (10.5%)

Acute cardiac event

5 (11.4%)

8 (21.1%)

Exacerbation CCF

7 (15.9%)

5 (13.2%)

Acute confusion

1 (2.2%)

10 (26.3%)


LOS (days)

4 [3–5]

4 [3–6]

30-day readmission

3 (6.8%)

6 (15.8%)

In hospital mortality

0 (0%)

1 (2.6%)

Death within 30 days

1 (2.3%)

3 (7.9%)

  1. Abbreviations: CAP community-acquired pneumonia, CCF congestive cardiac failure, CCMI Charlson Comorbidity Index, LOS length of hospital stay, MST score Malnutrition Screening Tool, NESB non-English speaking background (patient may or may not also be proficient in English)
  2. *All data presented are median (interquartile range) or count (percentage)
  3. †Walks without assistance: may use a gait aid but does not require the assistance of another person
  4. ‡CURB-65 score comprised of confusion, urea > 7 mmol/L, respiratory rate ≥ 30 per minute, blood pressure < 90 mmHg systolic, ≤ 60 mmHg diastolic, and age ≥ 65 years