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Table 2 Oxygen consumption and Post-Operative Morbidity Survey scores vs time. Values are mean (SD) or median [range]

From: A feasibility study to investigate post-operative oxygen consumption (POpOC) after colorectal surgery requiring bowel resection



Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5



O2 consumption (ml/min)

296 (67.2)

272 (57.2)

290 (56.2)

284 (55.6)

287 (65.6)

302 (57.9)





O2 consumption (ml/min/kg)

3.48 (0.63)

3.24 (0.72)

3.43 (0.68)

3.37 (0.72)

3.53 (0.71)

3.74 (0.79)





Median POMS***


2 [1-3]

1 [0-3]

1 [0-3]

1 [0-3]

0 [0-2]

  1. *AUC area under the curve restricted to the first 3 days of observation (days*ml/min respectively days*ml/min/kg)
  2. **Delta difference between day 1 and pre-operative measurement
  3. ***POMS Post-Operative Morbidity Survey score