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Table 2 Teaching evaluation (n = 14)

From: Teaching GenerationPMTO, an evidence-based parent intervention, in a university setting using a blended learning strategy

Teaching evaluation

Mean (SD)

Instructors were knowledgeable about the subject

1.09 (0.30)

Instructors were prepared for the class

2.09 (1.22)

Instructors presented materials in a way that helped me learn

1.81 (0.75)

Instructors encouraged participation

1.09 (0.30)

Instructor answered student’s questions

1.18 (0.30)

Instructors were enthusiastic about teaching

1.09 (0.30)

The pace of the course was just right

2.09 (0.70)

I would recommend these instructors to others

1.27 (0.65)

Instructors had set agendas that facilitated the learning process

1.63 (0.50)

Instructors used active teaching

1.09 (0.30)

Instructors used good questioning process

1.09 (0.30)


 The readings/homework assignments were at the right level of difficulty for the course

1.63 (0.50)

 Assignments given for class interested me

2.18 (1.17)

 Assignments were about the right length

2.45 (1.04)

General course

 I learned GenerationPMTO skills in this course

1.18 (0.40)

 This course improved my GenerationPMTO knowledge

1.18 (0.40)

 I learned from my peers

1.54 (0.69)

 Overall, the quality of the course was good

1.09 (0.30)

 If offered again, I would recommend this course to others

1.18 (0.40)