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Table 2 Module 1—aspects of surgery that women would have liked more information about (reported by =?10% of the sample)

From: Cross-sectional survey to inform the development of a telehealth support model: a feasibility study for women undergoing breast cancer surgery

Informational about

Number (%) wanting more information than they received [95% CI]

How other patients had experienced similar surgery

11 (21%) [9–32%]

How long it would take to recover from the surgery

11 (21%) [9–32%]

Strategies to help me manage any anxiety or stress before or during the surgery (e.g. listening to music etc.)

8 (15%) [5–25%]

How to manage any side effects (e.g. fatigue, swelling, or pain) if they occur

8 (15%) [5–25%]

What needs to happen before the surgery (e.g. skin markings, special diet, and anaesthesia)

6 (11%) [3–20%]