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Table 2 Data measures for Pregnancy Circles pilot

From: Testing the effectiveness of REACH Pregnancy Circles group antenatal care: protocol for a randomised controlled pilot trial

Baseline measures (12 weeks pregnant)

Outcomes questionnaire 1 (35 weeks pregnant)

Postpartum maternity records audit

Outcomes questionnaire 2 (4 months postpartum)

Social support (Duke Social Support Scale)

Self-efficacy (Pearlin Mastery Scale)

Prenatal stress (Revised Prenatal Distress Questionnaire)

Health service usage maternal self-report of their use over the previous 4 months of a variety of primary health services (GP, health visitor, social work and hospital doctor), A&E services, antenatal admissions.

Demographic questions

• Age

• Ethnicity

• Language

• Parity

• Education

• Tenancy

Women’s satisfaction with care (questions from the Care Quality Commission’s Maternity Survey)

Social support (Duke Social Support Scale)

Self-efficacy (Pearlin Mastery Scale)

Involvement in decisions about care (Picker Institute’s Experience with Maternity Services questionnaire)

Prenatal stress (Revised Prenatal Distress Questionnaire)

Health service usage maternal self-report of their use over the previous 4 months of a variety of primary health services (GP, health visitor, social work and hospital doctor), A&E services, antenatal admissions.

Attendance at antenatal education classes (NHS; other)

Process questions

• Randomisation feelings

For intervention:

• Attendance

• Reasons for non-attendance

• Perceptions of the group experience

Spontaneous vaginal birth (primary outcome)

Attendance at ANC (number of regular appointments attended)

Caesarean delivery (planned, emergency, none)

Epidural/spinal analgesia use in labour

Infant birthweight, defined as low if less than 2500 g

Gestational age at delivery, dichotomized as term or preterm (less than 37 weeks)

Breastfeeding initiation

Women’s satisfaction with care (questions from the Care Quality Commission’s Maternity Survey)

Social support (Duke Social Support Scale)

Self-efficacy (Pearlin Mastery Scale)

Involvement in decisions about care (Picker Institute’s Experience with Maternity Services questionnaire)

Breastfeeding continuation and exclusivity

Health service usage maternal self-report of their use over the previous 4 months for themselves and their baby of a variety of primary health services (GP, health visitor, social work and hospital doctor), A&E services, late antenatal admissions, and uptake of infant immunisations at 2 and 3 months).

Postnatal depression (Postpartum Depression Screening Scale)

Process questions

• Perceptions of the impact of ANC on birth/postpartum

• Views of trial procedures