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Table 2 Focus group and interview schedules

From: Women’s experiences of medical treatment for endometriosis and its impact on PRE-EMPT trial participation: a qualitative study

1. Past medical treatment experiences

 • Tell me about the types of medical treatments you have tried

 • Prompts: Why did you try [names of treatments]? Who influenced your decision? What were your expectations?

 • Tell me about your experiences of …. [names of treatments]

 • Prompts: Effectiveness/ineffectiveness of treatment? How long effective for? Side effects?

2. Views on medical treatments offered in PRE-EMPT

After undergoing surgery, there are four possible treatments—how do you feel about:

 • ‘The pill’

 • ‘The coil’

 • ‘Depo Provera’

 • No treatment

 • [For each treatment above] Prompt: (Un)Acceptable? Why? Past experiences? Future hopes? Do you think the treatment would be more effective post-surgery?

 • Were there any treatments that you would not accept? Which? Why?

3. Views on medical trials [General]

 • What do you think about medical trials?

 • What do you think about randomisation?

 • Prompts: Understandings of randomisation/how treatment is allocated. Randomisation acceptable to you? Is the possibility of not getting treatment acceptable?

4. Views on participation in PRE-EMPT trial

 • What do you think about the PRE-EMPT trial?

 • Prompts: Hopes for the trial? Concerns about the trial?

 • Why did you take part in the PRE-EMPT trial?

 • Prompts: What did you hope to gain from participating? What were your concerns about participating?

 • What would be a barrier to you participating?

 • Prompts: Personal factors? Time/travel costs? Trial factor? Concerns about treatment availability/randomisation?

 • Did you have a preference for which arm you would be randomised to? Why? Why not?

 • Is this a worthy trial? Why? Why not?

 • How do you feel about the length of the trial (3 years)?

5. Concluding questions

 • Is there anything we did not discuss that you would like to talk about?

 • Do you have any questions for me?