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Table 2 Checklist of possible needs and barriers to good healthcare requiring adjustment

From: Development of a supported self-management intervention for adults with type 2 diabetes and a learning disability

Example of impairment or deficit

Example of adjustment (enabler of good healthcare)

 Intellectual disability/reduced mental capacity

 Staff training in capacity assessment and inclusive practice

 Memory problems

 Prompts, support for appointments

 Literacy/reading skills deficit

 Accessible materials, communication skills

 Vision/hearing impairment

 Visual aids

 Speech problems

 Time, trained staff

 Mobility difficulties, physical symptoms or restrictions

 May need OT/physio assessment/mobility aids

Attitudinal barriers


 History of lack of dignity/respect in services

 Staff training

 Threat to safety including bullying

 Safeguarding protocols

 Overcoming stigma


 Instrumental barriers


 Transport to services

 Funding, safe provision


 Personal budget

 Lack of access to personal pleasure/R+R activities

 Planning meeting with supporter

 Treatment burden—timing, side-effects

 Support with adherence, modified regime

Social barriers


 Lack of social support/networks

 Identify, train and support carers; advocacy; third sector

 Talking with professionals

 Staff training + supervision

 Communicating needs

 LD register; Health Action Plan

 Understanding—health risks, necessary actions

 Accessible information

 Low self confidence

 Social engagement activities

Mental Health


 Challenging behaviour

 Pacing of change; staff training

 Distress + mental disorder

 Mental health review with learning disability team