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Table 5 Summary of findings of stage one and two, and implications for intervention

From: The development of an occupational therapy intervention for adults with a diagnosed psychotic disorder following discharge from hospital



Implication for intervention

Stage one

Systematic review

No intervention found to improve occupational performance following discharge from hospital

Development of a new intervention

Literature review of psychosis and occupational performance

Problems with cognitive functioning, performance skills and knowledge, process skills

Intervention to address these areas by including the following:

Assessment of volition, habituation and performance.

Activity grading

Developing self-knowledge of Occupational performance to enable ongoing work towards long-term goals post intervention.

Social and physical environmental barriers

Assessment of home environment

Environmental enhancements and considerations

Meaningful Occupations

Identification of meaning of occupations through assessment and service user led goal setting


Assessment of routine included in the intervention

Activity grading

No problems specific to post discharge have been identified.

Study needed to identify new information regarding occupational performance following discharge from hospital to inform the intervention.

Focus groups with service users and clinicians

Slowly picking up daily life again

Intervention to be provided over 4 months

Intervention to include

Activity grading

Importance of therapeutic use of self

Use a model of therapeutic use of self in the intervention

Balancing a focus between basic self-care and long-term goals

Stepped level of intensity to support basic self-care post discharge followed by longer term goals regarding leisure

Developing self-knowledge of occupational performance to continue working towards long-term goals post intervention.

Building a picture of the future whilst on the ward

Start intervention prior to discharge from hospital

Reluctance to be more independent

Use of MOHO to increase motivation for occupation, and occupational performance

Assessment of occupational performance

Development of self-knowledge and self-management of own occupational performance

Barriers to accessing leisure activities

Assessment of occupational performance included in the intervention

Intervention to take place in relevant community venue

Use of Interest Checklist

Managing meals

Use of strategies to overcome physical barriers in home environment

Use of activity grading as a component

Stage two

Identifying/developing theory

Model of human occupation identified

Assessment tools based on MOHO to be used as required within intervention.