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Table 2 Elements of RESHAPE intervention

From: Reducing stigma among healthcare providers to improve mental health services (RESHAPE): protocol for a pilot cluster randomized controlled trial of a stigma reduction intervention for training primary healthcare workers in Nepal

RESHAPE elements

Description of element content

Implementation of element

Engagement with service users

Opportunities for socialization, participation in practice role plays, collaborative problem solving

Included during multiple days of training

Testimonial from service users

Three-part testimonials developed through PhotoVoice training using photographs and personal stories to describe life before treatment, the experience of treatment, and life after treatment

Testimonials provided separately for target disorders: depression, psychosis, alcohol use disorder, and epilepsy

Testimonials from aspirational figures

Three-part testimonials describing experiences and attitudes prior to mental health training, experiences of providing mental healthcare, and changes in attitude and behavior after starting delivery of mental health services

One or two testimonials from health workers who previously participated in PRIME training and mental health service delivery

Myth busting

Eight common myths: mental illness cannot be treated; only some people can get mental illness; mental illnesses are contagious; mental illness can only be treated with shots and pills; giving advice is the same thing as doing psychological counseling; all people with mental illness are violent; if you ask someone about suicide, that increases the risk they will kill him/herself; caring for people with mental illness makes you mentally ill

Delivered in one session by one aspirational primary care worker

Didactic session on stigma and discrimination

Definitions of stigma and discrimination; reasons for stigma and discrimination; addressing different causes of discrimination: peril stigma, occupational stigma, and social stigma

Delivered in one session by a trained facilitator working for the PRIME implementation NGO (TPO Nepal)