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Table 3 Experimental group exercise intervention description

From: Effects of virtual rehabilitation versus conventional physical therapy on postural control, gait, and cognition of patients with Parkinson’s disease: study protocol for a randomized controlled feasibility trial

Game training

Main motor demands

Main cognitive demands

20,000 Leaks

Constant displacement of the individual’s center of mass through movement of the upper limbs and neck



Multidirectional steps

Fast reaction time

Immediate planning and execution

Visuospatial attention

Dual task

Space Pop

Multidirectional steps

Transference of weight between lower limbs

Constant displacement of the individual’s center of mass

Movement of upper limbs

Immediate planning and execution

Visuospatial attention

Fast reaction time

Dual task

Reflex Ridge



Lateral displacement of the center of mass

Side steps

Fast reaction time

Immediate planning and execution


Shifting of attention

River Rush

Lateral displacement of the center of mass



Side steps

Fast reaction time

Immediate planning and execution


Shifting of attention

  1. Adapted from Mendes et al. (2015, p.71) [32]