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Fig. 2 | Pilot and Feasibility Studies

Fig. 2

From: The feasibility of assessing swallowing physiology following prolonged intubation after cardiovascular surgery

Fig. 2

a MBSImp™© oral components across patients. Note. LipC = lip closure, TC = tongue control, BP = bolus preparation, BT = bolus transport, OR = oral residue, IPS = initiation of pharyngeal swallow; scoring, 0 = normal, ≥ 1 = impairment. b MBSImp™© pharyngeal components across patients. Note. SPE = soft palate elevation, LE = laryngeal elevation, HM = hyoid movement, EM = epiglottic movement, LVC = laryngeal vestibule closure, PSW = pharyngeal stripping wave, PESO = pharyngoesophageal segment opening; TBR = tongue base retraction; PR = pharyngeal residue; scoring: 0 = normal, ≥ 1 = impairment

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