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Table 1 Full list of attributes, levels and effect codes for discrete choice experiment questionnaire (child version)

From: Prioritising wheelchair services for children: a pilot discrete choice experiment to understand how child wheelchair users and their parents prioritise different attributes of wheelchair services



Definition (effect coding)

Comprehensiveness of wheelchair assessment

Health needs

Your health needs will be considered in the wheelchair assessment (0)

Health, school and social life needs

Your health, school and social life needs will be considered in the wheelchair assessment (1)

Cost (£) contribution for wheelchair

No cost

You will not have to contribute any money for your wheelchair (0)


You will have to contribute £50 for your wheelchair. This would be a one-off payment for each new wheelchair (50)


You will have to contribute £150 for your wheelchair. This would be a one-off payment for each new wheelchair (150)


You will have to contribute £300 for your wheelchair. This would be a one-off payment for each new wheelchair (300)

Level of training provided by service

Wheelchair skills training

You will receive wheelchair skills training as part of the service. Wheelchair skills training will include wheelchair driving techniques, road safety and maintaining your wheelchair (0)

Wheelchair and life skills training

You will receive wheelchair skills training and life skills training as part of the service. Wheelchair skills training will include wheelchair driving techniques, road safety and maintaining your wheelchair. Life skills training will include work placements, learning independence and ambassador groups (1)

Delivery time for delivery wheelchair

Between 1 and 3 months

It will take between 1 and 3 months for your wheelchair to be delivered after the final assessment (0)

Between 6 and 12 months

It will take between 6 and 12 months for your wheelchair to be delivered after the final assessment (1)

Frequency of wheelchair review

At least every 6 months

Your needs and wheelchair will be reviewed every 6 months. This will include a reassessment of your needs and a review of your wheelchair for any maintenance or repairs it requires (6)

At least every 12 months

Your needs and wheelchair will be reviewed every 12 months. This will include a reassessment of your needs and a review of your wheelchair for any maintenance or repairs it requires (12)