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Table 1 Questions for researchers about intervention development adapted from the MRC Complex Intervention guidance [1]

From: A new era for intervention development studies

1. Are you clear about what you are trying to do, what outcome you are aiming for, and how you will bring about change?

2. Does your intervention have a coherent theoretical basis?

3. Have you used this theory systematically to develop the intervention?

4. Can you describe the intervention fully according to TIDieR guidelines [4], so that it can be implemented properly for the purposes of your evaluation and replicated by others?

5. Does the existing evidence [or lack of evidence]—ideally collated in a systematic review—support the development of your intervention so that it is likely to be feasible, effective and cost effective?

6. Has future implementation in multi-centre research settings and future translation into the real world been considered?

7. Has the potential for bias been considered e.g. optimistic bias, group think, sampling, location and context bias?